1519 N 26th Street
Escanaba, MI 49829
Office: 906-789-6311
Online Questions: 906-212-5311
Toll Free: 800-377-5567
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Learn the skills you need to pass your Combination Vehicles test at your State’s DMV with our comprehensive Combination Vehicles Training. With over 20 years of experience we have been able to help over 5,000 individuals pass their Combination Vehicles test. Our in-depth training covers a range of topics including combination vehicle systems, off-tracking, tractor protection valves, skids, ABS, coupling/uncoupling, G.O.A.L., oversize loads, rearward amplification, and more.
We offer a money-back guarantee – if you don’t pass your combination vehicle CLP test after completing our training, we will refund your money. For questions don’t hesitate to give us a call at 906-212-5311.
To get started with the online course, please fill out the form below and click “Pay Now.”
Have questions? Contact us today!
906-789-6311 for in person classes
906-212-5311 for online classes